
ADHYAPIKA VIDYALAYA was established by MAHARANI SHANTADEVI GAIKWAD GRIHASHASTRA, in the year 1971. The Vidyalaya is affiliated to BUREAU OF STATE GOVERNMENT EXAMINATION BOARD, PUNE, Vide it’s registration No. D.El.Ed. course No/WRC/5- 6/2K/10705 Dt. 7/12/1998, NCTE code No. 112067. The object of the institution is to impart the Diploma course in education. The institution is run professionally by well trained lecturers. For imparting education, latest technology & equipment’s such as video cassettes, audio tapes, O’H.P., Projectors etc being used, which has a better impact on the students. The institution has a rich library covering 6877 books on various subjects of education & other relevant subjects. It also includes Reference Books & Encyclopedia for enriching students with better knowledge.

Hence, considering the above facts, it is not surprising that Annual results of the college has been 100% every year since it’s establishment.

Information of the College :

Name of the Institution : Adhyapika Vidyalaya,
Address Sanmitra Housing Society,
Rajarampuri, Kolhapur - 416 008
Date of the Establishment: 01-07-1971 (D.Ed.)
Name and Complete Address of the Principal : Mrs . pranoti pandurang chougule
101 Malhar heights
Ambai defence colony opposite NCC bhavan 
Kolhapur  416008.
Name of Trust Maharani Shantadevi Gaikwad Gruhshastra Shikshan Sanstha
Date of Recognition by N.C.T.E. : D.El.Ed. Course No./WRC/5-6/2K/10705,
Date. 07-12-2000 NCTE Code No. 112067
Details of Courses offered with Approved Intake : Two year – D.El.Ed.
Approved Intake : 50 Students
Registered address : Adhyapika Vidyalaya
Sanmitra Housing Society,
Rajarampuri 14th Lane,
Kolhapur – 416 008
Telephone number :- 0231-2528349


Contact Us

College Address :
Adhyapika Vidyalaya
Sanmitra Housing Society,
14th Lane, Rajampuri, Kolhapur - 416 008

Telephone : (0231) 2528349

About Us

Maharani Shantadevi Gaikwad Grihashastra Shikshan Sanstha is a voluntary organization. The organization is registered with charitable commissioner's office at Kolhapur in the state of Maharashtra, with registration No. as KE-102 dt. 28/02/1955